Physical Education
Physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others. PE and sport are therefore an integral and essential part of the SJB curriculum.
We promote sport and give opportunities for physical development in dedicated PE lessons, throughout our active school, and in a diversity of extra-curricular opportunities.
PE Teaching
PE lessons comprise at least two hours of every pupil’s curriculum timetable, ensuring regular and sustained physical activity every week. Children use indoor spaces, hard outside surfaces and the field to explore and develop in different sporting disciplines. Across all years, children have a chance to develop in the core areas of athletics, dance, games and gymnastics. With a mix of summer and winter, indoor and outdoor sports, children develop their strength, fitness, co-ordination, speed and gross motor skills. PE at SJB offers the opportunity to develop our skills in a wide range of sports and activities and helps us improve our knowledge and understanding.
PE at SJB helps build self-esteem, confidence and social skills, such as co-operating in groups, playing fairly to rules and competing amicably. We learn how fitness is increased with exercise and how performance is improved by training. Children appreciate the importance of a healthy body and understand those factors which affect health and fitness. This work is closely aligned with our work in Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).
Through the Sport Premium budget, we provide opportunities for pupils to work with PE specialists. This funding also allows teachers to work alongside specialist sports coaches.
It is essential that all children learn to swim. Across KS2, all children receive swimming lessons. Led by specialist swimming coaches, children learn to float and be safe in water. Children are taught to swim several different strokes including freestyle and backstroke, and for the more proficient swimmers: breaststroke and butterfly. Recognising a wide range of abilities among the year, children will be taught in ability-level groups.
If you have questions about swimming at SJB, please do speak to your class teacher in the first instance.
Extra-Curricular Sport
At SJB, we promote physical activity and sport throughout the school.
Extra-curricular sporting opportunities on offer
Sports Premium budget - July 2023
The PE Teaching policy and Progression of Skills in PE documents are here to download.